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GOAL!!! We’re looking for the most passionate and exciting amateur soccer players celebrating their love for the game! This contest is all about those raw, emotional, and unforgettable moments on the field when you score that all-important goal and celebrate with your team. Whether you’re a college player or just starting out, show us how you and your squad celebrate victory!

Contest Entry:
Submit photos or videos of you and your team’s celebrations after scoring. From choreographed moves to spontaneous joy, we want to see it all! Whether it’s your first goal ever or a game-winning score, let’s celebrate the beauty of soccer together.

Judging Criteria:
Entries will be evaluated on:

Passion: Show us the emotion behind the celebration.
Creativity: Unique and fun celebration styles that stand out.
Team Spirit: Celebrations that show unity and teamwork.

The best celebrations will receive prizes, including exclusive soccer gear, and be featured on Best of Eden’s social media channels! More prizes to be announced soon!

By entering this contest, you retain the rights to your works while granting Best of Eden the unrestricted, royalty-free, perpetual right to use, reproduce, communicate, modify, and display the works (in whole or in part) for any purpose without any fee or compensation. By participating, you agree to release Best of Eden and its affiliates, employees, and agents from any liability or damages arising from the contest or the use of your works. Some entries may also be selected for special recognition and used as features but may not be eligible to win prizes.

Ready to share your celebration? Let’s kick off the fun! #BestSoccerCelebrations #Goal