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Congratulations!!! This is your moment to shine! We’re celebrating the amateur soccer teams who have fought hard, worked together, and lifted that championship trophy! Whether you’re holding a banner, hoisting a trophy, or just soaking in the glory with your teammates, we want to see your winning team photos.

Contest Entry:
Submit your championship team pictures with trophies, banners, or your team in celebration mode. This is all about capturing that well-deserved victory moment! Whether it’s a local league, college tournament, or any amateur competition, show us how champions celebrate!

Judging Criteria:
Entries will be evaluated on:

Team Spirit: Celebrate unity and teamwork that led to the win.
Pride & Passion: Show the excitement and joy of your hard-earned victory.
Celebration Style: Whether big smiles or epic poses, we want to see your unique style of winning.

The best team photos will be featured on Best of Eden’s social media and win exclusive prizes, including custom team gear and more surprises to be announced!

By entering this contest, you retain the rights to your works while granting Best of Eden the unrestricted, royalty-free, perpetual right to use, reproduce, communicate, modify, and display the works (in whole or in part) for any purpose without any fee or compensation. By participating, you agree to release Best of Eden and its affiliates, employees, and agents from any liability or damages arising from the contest or the use of your works. Some entries may also be nominated for special recognition but may not be eligible for prize winnings.

Celebrate your victory and let the world see what it means to be champions!  #SoccerChampions #AmateurSoccerVictory